Pre-design Services
Site Analysis: Exploring the potentials of a site
Programming: Assessing needs, wishes, objectives, budget and time constraints.
Master Planning: Working out long-term strategies for facilities growth and maintenance
Feasibility Studies: Analyzing the viability of a proposed property improvement
Cost estimating/scope of work compatibility: Finding a scope of construction work that is compatible with a given budget is a valuable service to public sector facilities managers, and others who might be looking for the best way to allocate money to improve a facility. This is actually a programming function, but is so often required that it deserves special mention. We have extensive experience providing this service.
Zoning and local agency requirements: Preliminary review of Zoning and other Code constraints
Design Services
Schematic Design:Most often means a series of alternative sketches to test against the program. Simple volumetric studies in 3D may be a part of this, as well as green building recommendations.
Design Development: An approved Schematic Design is developed into a more formal and detailed drawing set. These drawings are often used for special planning permits or variances, or 50% review sets. Green building recommendations are once again an integral part of this phase.You may also wish to include civil, landscape, structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical drawings. Permit processing is included as needed.
Construction Documents: The approved Design Development drawings are expanded to completion, including specifications and front end/bidding documents as required. Permit processing is included as needed.
Construction Administration
An architect’s services while the project is being built. These include (but are not necessarily limited to):
Observation of construction
Preparation or review of change orders
Review of contractor’s payment requests
Review of substitutes proposed by the contractor
Project completion inspection
Specialized Services
In addition to the traditional architectural services, we offer a range of specialized services listed below. We are, among other things, facilities specialists, and have served on an “on call” basis to many clients. So we are experienced in serving clients on a long term basis to help them with facilities improvements.
Property management services:
Property enhancement studies
Adaptive reuse studies
Tenant improvements
Survey and inventory of existing facilities
Seismic retrofits
Handicapped accessibility (A.D.A.) retrofits
Green building and energy retrofits
Maintenance troubleshooting
3D Building Information Modeling (BIM): We use state of the art building information modeling software for our architectural drawings. Your project team may include a contractor who needs a building model for its own needs, such as clash detection, or cost estimating and scheduling. We can tailor our architectural model to the needs of the contractor, who can then import the model into its own software. BIM models that serve a number of parties will become the standard in construction in the future.
Design counseling services: It’s a service for realtors and property managers who may have a client looking to buy a property, who wants to know how the building might be remodeled or upgraded in some way. It’s a standalone service, done onsite, taking a half day or less. It provides highly cost effective information for those involved in the transaction. Contact us and we can furnish all the details.
Red tag removal: We can assist you in working with local agencies to remove red tags.
Post occupancy evaluation: Reviewing building performance after it’s built, both qualitatively (occupant feedback) and quantitatively (measuring energy performance, and other performance parameters of the mechanical and electrical systems)